Seismic and electromagnetic experiments as part of the Western Churchill NATMAP Program Alan G Jones(1), Isa Asudeh(1), Greg Clarke(2), Dave Eaton(2), Ian Kay(1), Dave Snyder(1) and Don White(1) 1: Geological Survey of Canada 615 Booth Street Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0E9 2: Department of Earth Sciences University of Western Ontario London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5B7 One of the principle objectives of the Western Churchill NATMAP Program is investigating the evolution of the late Archean and Paleoproterozoic lower crust and upper mantle. A 400-km-long N-S profile of eight teleseismic and magnetotelluric stations addresses this objective by providing a lithospheric geophysical cross-section across the Snowbird Tectonic Zone. The stations were located equidistantly about Baker Lake, from close to Whale Cove to beyond Woodburn Lake. The eight teleseismic stations were operating from early-May until late-September, and during that time there was reasonable earthquake activity. Magnetotelluric recordings were accomplished with four stations operating to the north of Baker Lake from early-July to early-August, and to the south of Baker Lake from early-August until late-September. Geomagnetic activity was high during this period, requiring care with MT response function estimation due to the effects of the no-uniform source-field contributions. Both sets of instrumentation were the fond meeting location of plastic-chewing animals, resulting in interrupted data acquisition at four of the teleseismic sites, and total electric field data loss from one MT site. Protective covering alleviated most of these problems, but resulted in more innovative investigation by the animals. A very preliminary analysis of the recorded teleseismic data indicates that 12 earthquakes were of sufficient magnitude and at appropriate distances to use in anisotropy studies. One event provided SKS splitting observed at seven stations, each of six other events provide estimates of much lower quality and at only a few of the stations. The tentative fast directions of observed anisotropy appear to group the stations on either side of Baker Lake. The four stations to the south have fast directions trending around 060 degrees; the stations to the north have a spread of fast directions but generally trend toward the northwest-southeast. The best-constrained delays range from 0.8 to 2.45 seconds. The MT data are testimony to a crust and mantle that is absent of any major electrical features seen elsewhere in Canada and around the globe. This implies that there is not an anomalous zone of enhanced conductivity that can be readily associated with known anomaly generation. A minor effect at low periods is seen at Baker Lake, suggestive of a small, mid-crustal anomaly. Further details will be presented.