JOINT ANALYSIS OF SKS-SPLITTING AND MT DATA ACROSS AN ANCIENT TRANSCURRENT FAULT SYSTEM: GREAT SLAVE LAKE SHEAR ZONE, NORTHERN CANADA DAVID W. EATON (University of Western Ontario), Alan Jones (Geological Survey of Canada), Ian Ferguson, Xianghong Wu (University of Manitoba), Isa Asudeh (Geological Survey of Canada) Observations of seismic and electrical anisotropy provide complementary approaches to estimate the degree and orientation of strain in the subcontinental mantle. Seismic anisotropy in the mantle, generally believed to be controlled by strain-induced lattice-preferred orientation of olivine crystals, can be characterized by measurements of shear-wave splitting parameters for teleseismic phases such as SKS. Similarly, magnetotelluric methods can be used to determine electrical anisotropy of the mantle, which has been attributed to preferred interconnection of a highly conducting mineral phase (such as graphite) within foliation planes. The Great Slave Lake shear zone (GSLsz) is a major continental transcurrent fault, linked to the Paleoproterozoic convergence and collision between the Slave and Rae provinces, Canada. It is exposed along the southeast shore of Great Slave Lake within a 25-km wide, northeast-trending subvertical mylonite corridor that produces one of the most spectacular linear magnetic anomalies in North America. Based on its magnetic expression, the GSLsz can be traced for at least 1300 km along strike, mostly in the subsurface. In its early, ductile phase (ca. 1.97 Ga), the GSLsz accommodated up to 700 km of dextral strike-slip motion in a regime of non-coaxial strain. In the present study, shear-wave splitting measurements from a 1999 portable teleseismic experiment across the Great Slave Lake shear zone (GSLsz) are compared with electrical anisotropy parameters from an earlier magnetotelluric study. The SKS data are generally consistent with a simple two-layer model. According to this model, the deep layer is characterized by a fast polarization direction of 71 +/- 5 deg, whereas the shallow layer has a fast polarization of 40 +/- 11 deg. The fast splitting direction of the upper layer is consistent with the inferred maximum conductivity orientation at crustal periods (0.1-10 s), and that of the lower layer consistent with the maximum conductivity orientation at upper mantle periods (100-1000 s), . The inferred splitting times of both layers range from about 0.3 s to 1.3 s and are anticorrelated, suggesting that the shallow layer thickens at the expense of the deeper layer towards the central axis of the shear zone. The fast polarization of the deep layer is oblique to the direction of absolution plate motion (225 deg). Our two-layer model is similar to one proposed to explain SKS splitting observations near the San Andreas Fault in California. The two layers may be a simplified representation of strain-dependent rotation of olivine crystalline axes, in which an extensive but mildly deformed layer in the lower lithosphere underlies a localized zone of higher strain beneath the fault zone.