Publication 188
Geochemical and geophysical constrains on the dynamic topography of the Southern African Plateau
Alan G. Jones, Juan Carlos Afonso, and Javier Fullea4
The deep mantle African Superswell is considered to contribute to the topographic
uplift of the Southern African Plateau, but dynamic support estimates vary wildly
depending on the approach and data used. One reason for these large disparities is that the
role of lithospheric structure, key in modulating deep dynamic contributions to elevation, is
commonly ignored or oversimplified in convection studies. We use multiple high-quality
geophysical data coupled with xenolith-based geochemical constraints to compute the
isostatic lithospheric contribution to the elevation of the Plateau, facilitating isolation of the
current dynamic component from the total observed elevation. We employ a multiobservable
stochastic algorithm to invert geoid anomaly, surface-wave dispersion data,
magnetotelluric data and surface heat flow to predict elevation in a fully
thermodynamically and internally-consistent manner. We find that a compositionallylayered
230 ±7 km thick lithosphere is required to simultaneously fit all four data types, in
agreement with abundant independent xenolith evidence. Our stochastic modelling
indicates a lithospheric contribution to elevation of the order of 670 m, which implies
dynamic support arising from the convecting sub-lithospheric mantle of ~650 m. Our
results have important implications for the understanding of lithospheric-deep mantle
feedback mechanisms and for calibrating dynamic topography estimates from global
convection studies.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 18, 3556-3575, 2017, doi: 10.1002/2017GC006908.
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Alan G Jones / 16 November 2017 /
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