Publication XXX

MT and reflection: an essential combination

A.G. Jones


At many localities in the world there have been coincident comprehensive electromagnetic (EM) studies and seismic reflection profiles conducted. Unfortunately, over many more regions the seismic reflection images are interpreted without the constraints afforded by electrical conductivity information. This paper is an attempt to convince the reader that a collocated magnetotelluric (MT) study should, in almost every case, be made wherever a seismic reflection survey is undertaken. Examples are shown from six studies in which the EM results aided the geologicaYtectonic interpretations of the seismic sections. Also, difficulties with the MT technique are discussed, and the interpretations of conducting zones within the lower crust are examined. Finally, a generalised model is proposed for the continental crust that may account for both the reflectivity and conductivity of the zone at the top of the lower crust.


Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 89, 7-18, 1987.

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Alan G Jones / 8 October 2007 /