Publication 3
A multi-station magnetotelluric study in southern Scotland - II. Monte-Carlo inversion of the data and
its geophysical and tectonic implications.
A.G. Jones and R. Hutton
A Monte-Carlo inversion procedure is developed and applied to
magnetotelluric data from six locations, two of which are in the Midland
Valley of Scotland, three in the Southern Uplands, and one in northern
England. The method is described in full in respect of one of the six locations
to illustrate both the importance of satisfying the phase as well as the amplitude
data and the effect of model acceptance level. The electrical resistivity
profiles resulting from application of the method indicate that; (a) there is a
conducting zone under the Midland Valley at a depth no greater than 12 km,
(b) the crust under the Southerri Uplands is mainly resistive, (c) there is a
conductor at a depth greater than 24 km in this region, and (d) under
northern England there is probably a very highly conducting region very
close to the surface. A brief discussion of the possible geophysical and
tectonic significance of these models follows.
Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 56, 351-368, 1979.
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