Publication GSC5

CBEX: Central Baffin electromagnetic experiment

Jones, A.G., J. Spratt and S. Evans


As part of the GSC's Central Baffin PAS project, a fifteen-station regional-scale magnetotelluric profile was acquired during Summer 2001 crossing the northern margin of Trans-Hudson Orogen on Baffin Island. The primary goal was determining the subsurface geometry of major geological boundaries, particularly between Archean Rae craton rocks and overlying Paleoproterozoic continental margin units. The most significant conclusion reached from preliminary analyses and modelling is that the highly conductive iron, sulphide and graphite-rich Astarte River formation, a distinctive stratigraphic marker horizon within the Paleoproterozoic Piling Group, is electrically disconnected to similar rocks found in the south. This could suggest that Archean rocks to the south are not related to Rae craton rocks to the north, or that tectonic imbrication has disconnected northern and southern segments. Either way, the results indicate that the Piling group rocks do not sit within a synformal basin structure.


Geol. Surv. Canada Current Research, 2002-C19, 5 p., 2002.

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Alan G Jones / 10 June 2004 /