Publication O6

Introduction to MT-DIW2 Special Issue

Jones, A.G. and A. Schultz


The second Magnetotelluric Data Interpretation Workshop (MT-DIW2) was held at the University of Cambridge, England, on August 5th and 6th, 1994. MT-DIW2 was timed to be just prior to the 12th Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, held in Brest, France, from August 8th - 13th.

The MT-DIW2 follows on from the successful MT-DIW1 (Jones, 1993a) held in Wellington, New Zealand, in 1992. A total of thirty-five scientists from ten countries attended the workshop, and gave twenty-six contributions. The following twelve papers are a subset of those twenty-seven. Other contributions have been published independently of this special issue.

Following the practise established at the MT-DIW1, prior to the workshop datasets were chosen for analysis by all participants. Indeed, the entry fee to the workshop was a commitment to undertake some examination of one of more of the datasets. A total of four datasets were chosen. Two of these had been those examined at the MT-DIW1, namely the COPROD2 dataset (Jones, 1993b) (3 contributions) and the BC87 dataset (Jones, 1993c) (5 contributions). Aspects of these were left unanswered after the MT-DIW1, and accordingly they were examined again. Two new datasets were taken, both from industry, and are described briefly below. One of these was from a small survey along a single profile in Papua New Guinea (PNG) (14 contributions) provided by Chevron (Australia) Ltd. There was a well-defined geological question that needed to be addressed. The other was from an EMAP survey in Oklahoma (OKEMAP) (4 contributions) provided by Exxon Ltd. Again, the question asked was relatively simple. During the two days, intensive discussion and examination of all four datasets was augmented by access to graphics workstations and to the Geotools MT data analysis and presentation software. This engendered a workshop-like environment and an atmosphere of free exchange between all participants. Below we describe briefly the two new datasets, and give an overview of the following twelve papers, two on COPROD2, two on BC87, two on OKEMAP, and six on PNG.


J. Geomagn. Geoelectr., 49, 727-737, 1997. [PDF]

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Alan G Jones / 10 June 2004 /