LITHOPROBE Southern Cordillera Transect
Upper panel: Niblett-Bostick depth sections from the E-pol phases and
shifted apparent resistivies from all sites along
both profiles, ewn and ews
Lower panel: Cartoon of the regional electrical structure.
[from Jones et al., 1992]
- Dr. J.C. Gupta, Geological Survey of Canada
- Prof. D. Ian Gough, University of Alberta
- Prof. Doug Oldenburg, University of British Columbia
This transect has ended and the final papers being written.
Published Papers.....
Jones, A.G., Kurtz, R.D., Oldenburg, D.W., Boerner, D.E. and
Ellis, R., 1988.
Magnetotelluric observations along the LITHOPROBE southeastern Canadian Cordilleran transect.
Geophysical Research Letters,
15, 677-680.
Gupta, J.C. and Jones, A.G., 1990.
Conductivity structure of the Flahhead basin in south-eastern British
Columbia, Canada.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences,
27, 1061-1073.
Jones, A.G., Kurtz, R.D., Boerner, D.E., Craven, J.A., McNeice,
G.W., Gough, D.I., DeLaurier, J.M. and Ellis, R.G., 1992.
Electromagnetic images of the Fraser River Fault system.
20, 561-564.
Jones, A.G., Gough, D.I., Kurtz, R.D., DeLaurier, J.M., Boerner, D.E.,
Craven, J.A., Ellis, R.G. and McNeice, G.W., 1992.
Electromagnetic images of regional structure in the southern Cordillera
Geophysical Research Letters,
12, 2373-2376.
Jones, A.G., 1993
The BC87 dataset: data and tectonic setting.
Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity,
45, 1089-1105.
Jones, A.G., Groom, R.W. and Kurtz, R.D., 1993
Decomposition and modelling of the BC87 dataset.
Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity,
45, 1127-1150.
Jones, A.G. and Dumas, I., 1993.
Electromagnetic images of a volcanic zone.
81, 289-314.
Marquis, G., Jones, A.G. and Hyndman, R.D., 1995.
Coincident conductive and reflective lower crust across a thermal boundary
in southern British Columbia, Canada.
Geophysical Journal International,
120, 111-131.
Cook, F.A. and Jones, A.G., 1995.
Seismic reflections and electrical conductivity: A case of Holmes'
curious dog?
Geology, 23, 141-144.
Gupta, J.C. and Jones, A.G., 1995.
Electrical conductivity structure of the Purcell Anticlinorium in
southeast British Columbia and northwest Montana.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 32, 1564-1583.
Jones, A.G. and Gough, D.I., 1995.
Electromagnetic images of crustal structures in southern and central
Canadian Cordillera.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 32, 1541-1563.
Chave, A.D. and Jones, A.G., 1996.
Electric and magnetic field distortion decomposition of BC87 data.
Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, in press.
79: Ledo, J. and A.G. Jones, 2001.
Regional electrical conductivity structure of the southern Canadian Cordillera
and its physical interpretation.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 106 , 30,755-30,770.
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Alan G Jones / 22 April 2006 /