Western Churchill NATMAP active participants




 Aspler, L.  INAC  Sedimentology, stratigraphy, bedrock mapping, leader Angikuni.
 Berman, R.  GSC/CGD  Metamorphism
 Chiarenzelli, J.  SUNY Oswego  Lithogeochemistry, bedrock mapping, Angikuni.
 Cousens, B.  Carleton U.  Lithogeochemistry, Angikuni.
 Davis, B.  GSC/CGD  Geochronology.
 Eaton, D.  UWO  Teleseismic, crustal and upper mantle geophysics.
 Goff, S.  INAC  Regional metallogeny.
 Hanmer, S.  GSC/CGD  NATMAP co-leader, structural geology, bedrock mapping Kaminak and MacQuoid, scientific continuity.
 Henderson, P. GSC/TSD   Ice flow, till deposits, Quaternary, Keewatin Ice Divide.
 Irwin, D.  GNWT  Bedrock mapping, co-leader Yathkyed.
 Jenner, G.  MUN  Metallogeny, VMS-Ni deposit studies.
 Jones, A.G.  GSC/CGD  Magnetotelluric, crustal and upper mantle geophysics.
 Kjarsgaard, B.  GSC/MRD  Metallogeny, VMS-Ni deposit studies.
 Kerswill, J.  GSC/MRD  Metallogeny, gold, iron formations.
 McMartin, I.  GSC/TSD  Ice flow, till deposits, Quaternary, Keewatin Ice Divide.
 Peterson, T.  GSC/CGD  Lithogeochemistry, bedrock mapping, Kaminak.
 Rainbird, R.  GSC/CGD Sedimentology, stratigraphy, Kaminak, MacQuoid, Dubawnt Supergroup
 Relf, C.  INAC  NATMAP co-leader, bedrock mapping, co-leader Yathkyed.
 Roest, W.  GSC/CGD  Potential fields, magnetics.
 Ryan, J. UNB  Structural geology, MacQuoid, Rankin Inlet
 Sandeman, H. GSC/CGD Petrology, Sm/Nd, bedrock mapping, MacQuoid, scientific continuity in lithogeochemistry
 Sharp, J. INAC  Mineral deposits.
 Tella, S.  GSC/CGD  Bedrock mapping, leader MacQuoid.
 White, D.  GSC/CGD  Teleseismic, crustal and upper mantle geophysics.
 Wilkinson, L.  GSC/CGD  GIS, geological integration.
 Wolfe, S.  GSC/TSD  Permafrost, Quaternary.
 Zaleski, E.  GSC/CGD  Bedrock mapping, leader Woodburn.

Graduate students affiliated with Western Churchill NATMAP

Name University Topic
Mills, A.  Carleton U.  Granulite facies metamorphism, western Uvauk Complex, Chesterfield Inlet.
 Samaras, C.   MUN  Mineral deposits, Woodburn Lake Group, Halfway Hills area, Whitehills Lake