Alan G Jones: Publications Page
Abstracts and PDFs available on-line for highlighted articles
Publications in International literature
204: Jones, A.G., 2023.
Mining for Net Zero: The impossible task.
Leading Edge, April issue, 266-276, doi: 10.1190/tle42040266.1.
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203: Moorkamp, M., S. Ozaydin, K. Selway, and A.G. Jones, 2022.
Probing the Southern African Lithosphere With Magnetotellurics - Part I: Model Construction.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127, doi: 10.1029/2021JB023117.
[Journal link]
202: M.C. Manassero, J.C. Afonso, F.I. Zyserman, A.G. Jones, S. Zlotnik, and I. Fomi, 2021.
A Reduced Order Approach for Probabilistic Inversions of 3D Magnetotelluric Data II: Joint inversion of MT and Surface-Wave Data.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126, doi: 10.1029/2021JB021962.
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201: Blake, S., T. Henry, J.P. Moore, J. Murray, J. Campanya, M.R. Muller, A.G. Jones, V. Rath, and J. Walsh, 2021.
Characterising thermal water circulation in fractured bedrock using a multidisciplinary approach: a case study of St. Gorman's Well, Ireland.
Hydrogeology Journal, 29, 2595-2611, doi: 10.1007/s10040-021-02393-1.
[Journal link]
200: Le Pape, F., A.G. Jones, M.W. Jessell, C. Hogg, L. Siebenaller, S. Perrout, A. Toure, P. Ouiya, and G. Boren, 2021.
The nature of the southern West African craton lithosphere inferred from its electrical resistivity.
Precambrian Research, 358, doi: 10.1016/j.precamres.2021.106190.
[Journal link]
199: Hobbs, B.A., and A.G. Jones, 2020.
A Pioneering Geophysicist - Rosemary Hutton.
Geological Society of London - Special Publications, 506, 215-229, doi: 10.1144/SP506-2019-211.
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198: Dong, H., W. Wenbo, S. Jin, G. Ye, A.G. Jones, L. Zhang, J. Jing, C. Xie, and Y. Yin, 2020.
Shaping the Surface Deformation of Central and South Tibetan Plateau: Insights From Magnetotelluric Array Data.
Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 125, e2019JB019206, 20pp, doi: 10.1029/2019JB019206.
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197: Vozar, R., A.G. Jones, J. Campanya, C. Yeomans, M.R. Muller, and R. Pasquali, 2020.
A geothermal aquifer in the dilation zones on the southern margin of the Dublin Basin.
Geophysical Journal International, 220, 1717-1734, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggz530.
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196: Delhaye, R., V. Rath, A.G. Jones, M.R. Muller, and D. Reay, 2019.
Quantitative geothermal interpretation of electrical resistivity models of the Rathlin Basin, Northern Ireland.
Geothermics, 77, 175-187, doi: 0.1016/j.geothermics.2018.09.012.
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195: Campanya, J., X. Ogaya, A.G. Jones, V. Rath, B. McConnell, P.D.W. Haughton, J. Ledo, C. Hogg, S. Blake, and A. Licciardi, 2019.
Subsurface characterization of the Pennsylvanian Clare Basin, western Ireland, by means of joint interpretation of electromagnetic geophysical data and well-log data.
Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 124, 6200-6222, doi: 10.1029/2018JB017074.
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194: Dehkordi, B.H., I.J. Ferguson, A.G. Jones, J. Ledo, and G. Wennberg, 2019.
Tectonics of the northern Canadian Cordillera imaged using modern magnetotelluric analysis.
Tectonophysics, 765, 102-128, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2019.05.012.
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193: Evans, R.L., J. Elsenbeck, J. Zhu, M.G. Abdelsalam, E. Sarafian, D. Mutamina, F. Chilongola, E. Atekwana, and A.G. Jones, 2019.
Structure of the Lithosphere beneath the Barotse Basin, Western Zambia from Magnetotelluric Data.
Tectonics, 38, 666-686, doi: 10.1029/2018TC005246.
[Journal link]
192: Moorkamp, M., S. Fishwick, R.J. Walker, and A.G. Jones, 2019.
Geophysical evidence for crustal and mantle weak zones controlling intra-plate seismicity - the 2017 Botswana earthquake sequence.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 506, 175-183, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2018.10.048.
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191: Campanya, J., J. Ledo, P. Queralt, A. Marcuello, J.A, Munoz, M. Liesa, and A.G. Jones, 2018.
New geoelectrical characterization of a continental collision zone in the Central - Eastern Pyrenees: Constraints from 3-D joint inversion of electromagnetic data.
Tectonophysics, 742-743, 168-179, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2018.05.024.
[Journal link]
190: Sarafian, E., R.L. Evans, M.G. Abdelsalam, E. Atekwana, J. Elsenbeck, A.G. Jones, and E. Chikambwe, 2018.
Imaging Precambrian lithospheric structure in Zambia using electromagnetic methods.
Gondwana Research, 54, 38-49, doi: 10.1016/
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189: Le Pape, F., A.G. Jones, M. Jessell, S. Perrouty, L. Gallardo, L. Baratoux, C. Hogg, L. Siebenaller,
A. Toure, P. Ouiya, and G. Boren, 2017.
Crustal structure of southern Burkina Faso inferred from magnetotelluric, gravity and magnetic data.
Precambrian Research, 300, 261-272, doi: 10.1016/j.precamres.2017.08.013.
[Journal link]
188: Jones, A.G., J.C. Afonso and J. Fullea, 2017.
Geochemical and geophysical constrains on the dynamic topography of the Southern African Plateau.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 18, 3556-3575, doi: 10.1002/2017GC006908.
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187: Delhaye, R.D., V. Rath, A.G. Jones, M.R. Muller, and D. Reay, 2017.
Correcting for Static Shift of Magnetotelluric Data with Airborne Electromagnetic Measurements:
A Case Study from Rathlin Basin, Northern Ireland.
Solid Earth, 8, 637-660, doi:10.5194/se-8-637-2017.
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186: Blake, S.P., P.T. Gallagher, J. McCauley, A.G. Jones, C. Hogg, J. Campanya, C.D. Beggan, A.W.P. Thomson,
G.S. Kelly, and D. Bell, 2016.
Geomagnetically Induced Currents in the Irish Power Network during Geomagnetic Storms.
Space Weather, 14, 1136-1154, doi:10.1002/2016SW001534.
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185: Campanya, J., X. Ogaya, A.G. Jones, V. Rath, J. Vozar, and N. Meqbel, 2016.
The advantages of complementing MT profiles in 3-D environments with geomagnetic transfer function and inter-station
horizontal magnetic transfer function data: Results from a synthetic case study.
Geophysical Journal International, 207 (3), 1818-1836, doi:10.1093/gji/ggw357.
184: Afonso, J.C., N. Rawlinson, Y. Yang, D.L. Schutt, A.G. Jones, J. Fullea, and W.L. Griffin, 2016.
3D multi-observable probabilistic inversion for the compositional and thermal structure of the
lithosphere and upper mantle. III: Thermochemical Tomography in the Western-Central US.
Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 121, 7337-7370, doi:10.1002/2016JB013049.
Note: Editors' Highlight
183: Dong, H., W. Wei, S. Jin, G. Yea, L. Zhang, J. Jing, Y. Yin, C. Xie, and A.G. Jones, 2016.
Extensional extrusion: Insights into south-eastward expansion of Tibetan Plateau from magnetotelluric array data.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 454, 78-85, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.07.043.
182: Ogaya. X., J. Ledo, P. Queralt, A.G. Jones, and A. Marcuello, 2016.
A layer stripping approach for monitoring resistivity variations using surface magnetotelluric responses.
Journal of Applied Geophysics, 132, 100-115, doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2016.06.014.
181: Blake, S., T. Henry, M.R. Muller, A.G. Jones, J.P. Moore, J. Murray, J. Campanya,
J. Vozar, J. Walsh, and V. Rath, 2016.
Understanding hydrothermal circulation patterns at a low-enthalpy thermal spring
using audio-magnetotelluric data: a case study from Ireland.
Journal of Applied Geophysics, 132, 1-16, doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2016.06.007.
180: Blake, S., T. Henry, J. Murray, R. Flood, M.R. Muller, A.G. Jones, and V. Rath, 2016.
Compositional multivariate statistical analysis of thermal groundwater provenance:
A hydrogeochemical case study from Ireland.
Applied Geochemistry, 75, 171-188, doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2016.05.008.
179: Jones, A.G., 2016.
Proton conduction and hydrogen diffusion in olivine: An attempt to reconcile laboratory and field observations
and implications for the role of grain boundary diffusion in enhancing conductivity.
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 43, 237-265, doi:10.1007/s00269-015-0790-5.
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178: Le Pape, F., A.G. Jones, M.J. Unsworth, J. Vozar, W. Wei, J. Sheng, G. Ye, J. Jing, H. Dong, L. Zhang, and C. Xie, 2015.
Constraints on the evolution of crustal flow beneath northern Tibet.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 16, doi: 10.1002/2015GC005828.
177: Kalscheuer, T., S. Blake, J.E. Podgorski, F. Wagner, A.G. Green, H. Maurer, A.G. Jones, M. Muller, and G. Tshoso, 2015.
Joint inversions of three types of electromagnetic data explicitly constrained by seismic observations:
Results from the central Okavango Delta, Botswana.
Geophysical Journal International, 202, 1429-1452, doi:10.1093/gji/ggv184.
176: Zhang, L. M.J. Unsworth,, S. Jin, W. Wei, G. Ye, A.G. Jones, J. Jing, H. Dong, C. Xie, F. Le Pape, and J. Vozar, 2015.
Structure of the Central Altyn Tagh Fault revealed by magnetotelluric Data: New insights into the structure of the
Northern Margin of the India-Asia Collision.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 415, 67-79, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2015.01.025.
175: Adetunji, A., I.J. Ferguson, and A.G. Jones, 2015.
Imaging the mantle lithosphere of the Precambrian Grenville Province: large-scale electrical resistivity structures.
Geophysical Journal International, 201, 1038-1059, doi:10.1093/gji/ggv060.
174: Adetunji, A., I.J. Ferguson, and A.G. Jones, 2015.
Re-examination of magnetotelluric responses and electrical anisotropy of the lithospheric mantle in the Grenville Province, Canada.
Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 120, 1-19, doi:10.1002/2014JB011713.
173: Cherevatova, M., M.Yu. Smirnov, A.G. Jones, L.B. Pedersen, and the MaSca Working Group, 2015.
Magnetotelluric array data analysis from north-west Fennoscandia.
Tectonophysics, 653, 1-19, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2014.12.023.
172: Zhang, L., G. Ye, S. Jin, W. Wei, M. Unsworth, A.G. Jones, J Jing, H. Dong, C. Xie, F. Le Pape and J. Vozar, 2014.
Lithospheric electrical structure across the Eastern Segment of the Altyn Tagh Fault on the Northern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau.
Acta Geologica Sinica - English Edition, 89, 90-104, doi:10.1111/1755-6724.12397.
171: Vozar, J., A.G. Jones, J. Fullea, M.R. Agius, S. Lebedev, F. Le Pape, and W. Wei, 2014.
Integrated geophysical-petrological modeling of lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary
in Central Tibet using electromagnetic and seismic data.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15, 3965-3988, doi:10.1002/2014GC005365.
170: Miensopust, M.P., A.G. Jones, G.P. Hersir and A.M. Vilhjalmsson, 2014.
The Eyjafjallajokull volcanic system, Iceland: insights from electromagnetic measurements.
Geophysical Journal International, 199, 1187-1204, doi:10.1093/gji/ggu322.
169: Schmoldt, J.-P., A.G. Jones, and O. Rosell, 2014.
Structures and geometries of the Tajo Basin crust, Spain:
Results of a magnetotelluric investigation compared to seismic and thermal models.
Tectonics, 33, 1710-1737, doi: 10.1002/2013TC003319.
168: Wei, W., F. Le Pape, A.G. Jones, J. Vozar, H. Dong, M.J. Unsworth, S. Jin, G. Ye, J. Jing, L. Zhang, and C. Xie, 2014.
Northward Channel flow in Northern Tibet revealed from 3D magnetotelluric modelling.
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 235, 13-24, doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2014.07.004.
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167: Mandolesi, E., and A.G. Jones, 2014.
Magnetotelluric inversion based on Mutual Information.
Geophysical Journal International, 199, 242-252, doi:10.1093/gji/ggu258.
166: Jones, A.G., 2014.
Compensation of the Meyer-Neldel Compensation Law for H diffusion in minerals.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15, doi:10.1002/2014GC005261.
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165: Share, P.-E., A.G. Jones, M.R. Muller, D.T. Khoza, M.P. Miensopust, and S.J. Webb, 2014.
An audio-magnetotelluric investigation of the Otjiwarongo and Katima Mulilo regions, Namibia.
Geophysics, 79, B151-B171, doi:10.1190/GEO2013-0171.1. Geophysics Case History.
164: Dong, H., W. Wei, G. Ye, S. Jin, A.G. Jones, J. Jing, L. Zhang, C. Xie, F. Zhang, and H. Wang, 2014.
Three dimensional electrical structure of the crust and upper mantle in Ordos Block and adjacent area: Evidence of regional lithospheric modification.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15, doi:10.1002/2014GC005270.
163: Ogaya, X., P. Queralt, J. Ledo, A. Marcuello, and A.G. Jones, 2014.
Geoelectrical baseline model of the subsurface of the Hontomnn site (Spain) for CO2 geological storage in a deep saline aquifer:
a 3D magnetotelluric characterization.
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 27, 120-138, doi:10.1016/j.ijggc.2014.04.030.
162: Campanya, J., J. Ledo, P. Queralt, A. Marcuello, and A.G. Jones, 2014.
A new methodology to estimate magnetotelluric (MT) tensor relationships: Estimation of Local transfer-functIons by Combining Inter-station Transfer-functions (ELICIT).
Geophysical Journal International, 198, 484-494, doi:10.1093/gji/ggu147.
161: Rao, C.K., A.G. Jones, M. Moorkamp, and U. Weckmann, 2014.
Implications for the lithospheric geometry of the Iapetus suture beneath Ireland based on electrical resistivity models from deep-probing magnetotellurics.
Geophysical Journal International, 198, 737-759, doi:10.1093/gji/ggu136.
160: Spratt, J.E., T. Skulski, J.A. Craven, A.G. Jones, D.B. Snyder, and D. Kiyan, 2014.
Magnetotelluric investigations of the lithosphere beneath the Central Rae Craton, mainland Nunavut, Canada.
Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 119, 2415-2439, doi:10.1002/2013JB010221.
159: Jones, A.G., J. Ledo, I.J. Ferguson, J.A. Craven, M.J. Unsworth, M. Chouteau and J.E. Spratt, 2014.
The electrical resistivity of Canada's lithosphere and correlation with other parameters:
Contributions from LITHOPROBE and other programmes.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 51, 573-617, doi:10.1139/cjes-2013-0151.
158: Jones, A.G., 2014.
Reconciling different equations for proton conduction using the Meyer-Neldel compensation rule.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15(2), 337-349, doi:10.1002/2013GC004911.
157: Adetunji, A.Q., I.J. Ferguson, and A.G. Jones, 2014.
Crustal and lithospheric scale structures of the Precambrian Superior-Grenville margin.
Tectonophysics, 614, 146-169, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2013.12.008.
156: Matsuno, T., A.D. Chave, A.G. Jones, M.R. Muller, and R.L. Evans, 2014.
Robust magnetotelluric inversion.
Geophysical Journal International, 196, 1365-1374, doi:10.1093/gji/ggt484.
155: Kiyan, D., A.G. Jones, and J. Vozar, 2014.
The inability of magnetotelluric off-diagonal impedance tensor elements to sense oblique conductors in 3-D inversion.
Geophysical Journal International, 196, 1351-1364, doi:10.1093/gji/ggt470.
154: Jones, A.G., J.C. Afonso, J. Fullea, and F. Salajegheh, 2014.
The lithosphere-asthenosphere system beneath Ireland from integrated geophysical-petrological modeling - I: Observations, 1D and 2D hypothesis testing and modeling.
Lithos, 189, 28-48, doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2013.10.033.
153: Fullea, J., M.R. Muller, A.G. Jones, and J.C. Afonso, 2014.
The lithosphere-asthenosphere system beneath Ireland from integrated geophysical-petrological modeling - II: 3D thermal and compositional structure.
Lithos, 189, 49-64, doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2013.09.014.
152: Schmoldt, J.-P., and A.G. Jones, 2013.
A novel anisotropic inversion approach for magnetotelluric data from subsurfaces with orthogonal geoelectric strike directions.
Geophysical Journal International, 195, 1576-1593, doi:10.1093/gji/ggt355.
151: Khoza, D., A.G. Jones, M.R. Muller, R.L. Evans, M.P. Miensopust, and S.J. Webb, 2013.
Lithospheric structure of an Archean craton and adjacent mobile belt revealed from 2D and 3D inversion of magnetotelluric data: example from southern Congo craton in northern Namibia.
Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 118, Issue 8, 4378-4397, doi:10.1002/jgrb.50258.
150: Jones, A.G., 2013.
Imaging and observing the electrical Moho.
Tectonophysics, 609, 423-436, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2013.02.025.
Invited Review in Special Issue of Tectonophysics devoted to the 100 year anniversary of the discovery of the Moho.
149: Hobbs, B.A., G.M. Fonseka, A.G. Jones, N. de Silva, N.Subasinghe, G. Dawes, N. Johnson, T. Cooray, D. Wijesundara, N. Suriyaarachchi, T. Nimalsisri, K. Premitallake, D. Kiyan, and D. Khoza, 2013.
In search of Geothermal Energy Potential in Sri Lanka: A preliminary magnetotelluric survey of the thermal springs.
Journal of the Geological Society of Sri Lanka, 15, 69-83.
148: Miensopust, M.P., P. Queralt, A.G. Jones, and the 3D MT modellers, 2013.
Magnetotelluric 3D inversion - a review of two successful workshops on forward and inversion code testing and comparison.
Geophysical Journal International, 193, 1216-1238, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggt066.
147: Afonso, J.C., J. Fullea, Y. Yang, J.A.D. Connolly, and A.G. Jones, 2013.
3D multi-observable probabilistic inversion for the compositional and thermal structure of the
lithosphere and upper mantle. II: General methodology and resolution analysis.
Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 118, 1650-1676, doi: 10.1002/jgrb.50123.
146: Afonso, J.C., J. Fullea, W. L. Griffin, Y. Yang, A.G. Jones, J.A.D. Connolly and S.Y. O'Reilly, 2013.
3D multi-observable probabilistic inversion for the compositional and thermal structure of the
lithosphere and upper mantle. I: a priori petrological information and geophysical observables.
Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 118, 1-32, doi: 10.1002/jgrb.50124.
145: Jones, A.G., S. Fishwick, R.L. Evans, M.R. Muller, and J. Fullea, 2013.
Velocity-conductivity relations for cratonic lithosphere and their application: Example of Southern Africa.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 14, No. 4, 806-827, doi: 10.1002/ggge.20075, ISSN: 1525-2027.
144: Khoza, D., A.G. Jones, M.R. Muller, R.L. Evans, S.J. Webb, M. Miensopust, the SAMTEX team, 2013.
Tectonic model of the Limpopo belt: Constraints from magnetotelluric data.
Precambrian Research, 226, 143-156, doi: 10.1016/j.precamres.2012.11.016.
143: Zhao, G., M.J. Unsworth, Y. Zhan, L. Wang, X. Chen, A.G. Jones, J. Tang, Q. Xiao, J. Wang,
J. Cai, T. Li, Y. Wang, and J. Zhang, 2012.
Crustal structure and rheology of the Longmenshan and Wenchuan Mw 7.9 earthquake epicentral area
from magnetotelluric data.
Geology, 40, 1139-1142, doi: 10.1130/G33703.1
- 142: Jones, A.G., D. Kiyan, J. Fullea, J. Ledo, P. Queralt, A. Marcuello, A. Siniscalchi, and G. Romano, 2012.
Comment on "Deep resistivity cross section of the intraplate Atlas Mountains (NW Africa):
New evidence of anomalous mantle and related Quaternary volcanismî by Anahnah et al. (2011).
Tectonics, 31, TC5011, doi: 10.1029/2011TC003051, 2012.
- 141: Ferguson, I.J., A.G. Jones, and A.D. Chave, 2012.
Case histories and geological applications,
In: The Magnetotelluric Method,
edited by Alan D. Chave and Alan G. Jones,
published by Cambridge University Press, Chapter 10, pp. 480-544, ISBN: 9780521819275.
- 140: Jones, A.G., 2012.
Distortion of magnetotelluric data: its identification and removal,
In: The Magnetotelluric Method,
edited by Alan D. Chave and Alan G. Jones,
published by Cambridge University Press, Chapter 6, pp. 219-302, ISBN: 9780521819275.
- 139: Chave, A.D., and A.G. Jones, 2012.
Introduction to the magnetotelluric method,
In: The Magnetotelluric Method,
edited by Alan D. Chave and Alan G. Jones,
published by Cambridge University Press, Chapter 1, pp. 1-18, ISBN: 9780521819275.
138: Fullea, J., S. Lebedev, M.R. Agius, A.G. Jones, and J.C. Afonso, 2012.
Lithospheric structure in the Baikal-central Mongolia region from integrated geophysical-petrological inversion of
surface-wave data and topographic elevation.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 13, Q0AK09, doi: 10.1029/2012GC004138.
137: Jones, A.G., J. Fullea, R.L. Evans, and M.R. Muller, 2012.
Calibrating laboratory-determined models of electrical conductivity of mantle minerals using
geophysical and petrological observations.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 13, Q06010, doi: 10.1029/2012GC004055.
136: Le Pape, F., A.G. Jones, J. Vozar, and W. Wei, 2012.
Penetration of crustal melt beyond the Kunlun Fault into northern Tibet.
Nature Geoscience, 5, 330-335, doi: 10.1038/NGEO1449.
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135: Jones, A.G., 2012.
Distortion decomposition of the magnetotelluric impedance tensors from a one-dimensional anisotropic Earth.
Geophysical Journal International, 189, 268-284, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05362.x.
134: Jones, A.G., 2011.
Three-dimensional galvanic distortion of three-dimensional regional conductivity structures: Comments on "Three-dimensional joint
inversion for magnetotelluric resistivity and static shift distributions in complex media" by Y. Sasaki and M.A. Meju (2006).
Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 116, B12104, doi: 10.1029/2011JB008665.
133: Miensopust, M., and A.G. Jones, 2011.
Artefacts of isotropic inversion applied to magnetotelluric data from an anisotropic Earth.
Geophysical Journal International, 187, 677-689, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05157.x.
132: Fullea, J., M.R. Muller, and A.G. Jones, 2011.
Electrical conductivity of continental lithospheric mantle from integrated geophysical and petrological modeling:
application to the Kaapvaal Craton and Rehoboth Terrane, southern Africa.
Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 116, B10202, doi: 10.1029/2011JB008544.
131: Evans, R.L., A.G. Jones, X. Garcia, M. Muller, M. Hamilton, S. Evans, S. Fourie, J. Spratt, S. Webb,
H. Jelsma, and D. Hutchins, 2011.
The electrical lithosphere beneath the Kaapvaal Craton, Southern Africa.
Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 116, B04105, doi: 10.1029/2010JB007883, 16pp.
130: Roux, E., M. Moorkamp, A.G. Jones, M. Bischoff, B. Endrun, S. Lebedev, and T. Meier, 2011.
Joint inversion of long-period magnetotelluric data and surface-wave dispersion curves for anisotropic structure:
Application to data from Central Germany.
Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L05304, doi: 10.1029/2010GL046358, pp 5.
129: Ledo, J., A.G. Jones, A. Siniscalchi, J. Campanya, D. Kiyan, G. Romano, M. Rouai and TopoMed MT Team, 2011.
Electrical signature of modern and ancient tectonic processes in the crust of the Atlas mountains of Morocco.
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 185, 82-88, doi: 10.1016/j.pepi.2011.01.008.
128: Miensopust, M., A.G. Jones, M.R. Muller, X. Garcia, and R.L. Evans, 2011.
Lithospheric structures and Precambrian terrane boundaries in northeastern Botswana revealed through magnetotelluric
profiling as part of the Southern African Magnetotelluric Experiment.
Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 116, B02401, doi: 10.1029/2010JB007740.
127: Wei, W., S. Jin, G. Ye, M. Deng, J. Jing, M. Unsworth, and A.G. Jones, 2010.
Conductivity structure and rheological property of Lithosphere in Southern Tibet
inferred from super-broadband magnetotelluric sounding.
Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences, 53, 1-14.
126: Jones, A.G., J. Plomerova, T. Korja, F. Sodoudi and W. Spakman, 2010.
Europe from the bottom up: A statistical examination of the central and northern European lithosphere-asthenosphere
boundary from comparing seismological and electromagnetic observations.
Lithos, 120, 14-29, doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2010.07.013.
Note: In Special Issue of Lithos devoted to "Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary" session held at 33rd IGC.
125: Cook, F.A., D.J. White, A.G. Jones, D.W.S. Eaton, J. Hall, and R.M. Clowes, 2010.
How the crust meets the mantle: Lithoprobe perspectives on the Mohorovicic discontinuity and
crust-mantle transition.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 47, 315-351, doi: 10.1139/E09-076.
124: Garcia, X., and A.G. Jones, 2010.
Internal structure of the western flank of the Cumbre Vieja volcano (La Palma, Canary Islands)
from land magnetotelluric imaging.
Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 115, B07104, doi: 10.1029/2009JB006445.
123: Moorkamp, M., A.G. Jones, and S. Fishwick, 2010.
Joint inversion of receiver functions, surface wave dispersion and magnetotelluric data.
Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 115, B04318, doi: 10.1029/2009JB006369.
122: Muller, M.R., A.G. Jones, R.L. Evans, H.S. Gruetter, C. Hatton, X. Garcia,
M.P. Hamilton, M.P. Miensopust, P. Cole, T. Ngwisany, D. Hutchins, C.J. Fourie,
H.A. Jelsma, S.F. Evans, T. Aravanis, W. Pettit, S.J. Webb, J. Wasborg, and The SAMTEX Team, 2009.
Lithospheric structure, evolution and diamond prospectivity of the Rehoboth Terrane and
western Kaapvaal Craton, southern Africa: constraints from broadband magnetotellurics.
Lithos, 112S, 93-105, doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2009.06.023.
Note: In Special Issue of Volume 112 devoted to 9th IKC.
121: Jones, A.G., R.L. Evans, M.R. Muller, M.P. Hamilton, M.P. Miensopust, X. Garcia,
P. Cole, T. Ngwisanyi, D. Hutchins, C.J.S Fourie, H. Jelsma, T. Aravanis, W. Pettit, S. Webb,
J. Wasborg, and The SAMTEX Team, 2009.
Area selection for diamonds using magnetotellurics: Examples from southern Africa.
Lithos, 112S, 83-92, doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2009.06.011.
Note: In Special Issue of Volume 112 devoted to 9th IKC.
120: Gowan, E.J., I.J. Ferguson, A.G. Jones and J.A. Craven, 2009.
Geoelectric structure of the northeastern Williston Basin and underlying Precambrian lithosphere.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 46, 441-464, doi: 10.1139/E09-028.
119: Spratt, J.E., A.G. Jones, V. Jackson, L. Collins, and A. Avdeeva, 2009.
Lithospheric geometry of the Wopmay Orogen from a Slave Craton to Bear Province magnetotelluric transect.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, B01101, doi: 10.1029/2007JB005326.
118: Jones, A.G., R.L. Evans, and D.W. Eaton, 2009.
Velocity-conductivity relationships for mantle mineral assemblages in Archean cratonic lithosphere based
on a review of laboratory data and Hashin-Shtrikman extremal bounds.
Lithos, 109, 131-143, doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2008.10.014.
In: Special Issue of Lithos devoted to The Structure of the Lithosphere: the petro-geophysical
approach workshop that was held in Merrickville, Ontario, Canada, 7-10 March 2007.
117: Garcia, X., and A.G. Jones, 2008.
Robust processing of magnetotelluric data in the AMT dead-band using the Continuous Wavelet Transform.
Geophysics, 73, F223-F234, doi: 10.1190/1.2987375.
116: Eaton, D.W., F. Darbyshire, R.L. Evans, H. Grutter, A.G. Jones, and X. Yuan, 2009.
The elusive lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB) beneath cratons.
Lithos, 109, 1-22, doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2008.05.009.
In: Special Issue of Lithos devoted to The Structure of the Lithosphere: the petro-geophysical
approach workshop that was held in Merrickville, Ontario, Canada, 7-10 March 2007.
- 115: Wei, W., S. Jin, G. Ye, M. Deng, H. Tan, M. Unsworth, J. Booker, A.G. Jones and
S. Li, 2007.
Features of faults in the central and northern Tibetan plateau based on results of
Frontiers in the Earth Sciences in China, 1, 121-128 doi: 10.1007/s11707-007-0016-3.
114: Moorkamp, M., A.G. Jones and D.W. Eaton, 2007.
Joint inversion of teleseismic receiver functions and magnetotelluric data using a genetic algorithm:
Are seismic velocities and electrical conductivities compatible?
Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L16311, doi: 10.1029/2007GL030519.
113: Lezeata, P., A.D. Chave, A.G. Jones, and R.L. Evans, 2007.
Source field effects in the auroral zone: Evidence from the Slave craton (NW Canada).
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 164, 21-35, doi: 10.1016/j.pepi.2007.05.002.
112: Cloetingh, S.A.P.L., P.A. Ziegler, P.J.F. Bogaard, P.A.M. Andriessen, I.M Artemieva,
G. Bada, R.T. van Balen, F. Beekman, Z. Ben-Avraham, J.-P. Brun, H.P. Bunge, E.B. Burov,
R. Carbonell, C. Facenna, A. Friedrich, J. Gallart, A.G. Green, O. Heidbach, A.G. Jones,
L. Matenco, J. Mosar, O. Oncken, C. Pascal, G. Peters, S. Sliaupa, A. Soesoo, W. Spakman,
R.A. Stephenson, H. Thybo, T. Torsvik, G. de Vicente, F. Wenzel, M.J.R. Wortel,
and the TOPO-EUROPE Working Group, 2007.
TOPO-EUROPE: The geoscience of coupled deep Earth-surface processes.
Global and Planetary Change, 58, 1-118, doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2007.02.008.
111: Rao, C.K., A.G. Jones, and M. Moorkamp, 2007.
The geometry of the Iapetus suture zone in central Ireland deduced from a
magnetotelluric study.
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 161, 134-141, doi: 10.1016/j.pepi.2007.01.008.
110: Queralt, P., A.G. Jones, and J. Ledo, 2007.
Electromagnetic imaging of a complex ore body: three-dimensional forward
modeling, sensitivity tests and down-mine measurements.
Geophysics, 72, 85-95, doi: 10.1190/1.2437105.
109: Hamilton, M.P., A.G. Jones, R.L. Evans, S. Evans, C.J.S. Fourie,
X. Garcia, A. Mountford, J.E. Spratt, and the SAMTEX Team, 2006.
Electrical anisotropy of South African lithosphere compared with seismic
anisotropy from shear-wave splitting analyses.
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 158, 226-239, doi: 10.1016/j.pepi.2006.03.027.
108: Jones, A.G., 2006.
Electromagnetic interrogation of the anisotropic Earth: Looking into the
Earth with polarized spectacles.
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 158, 281-291, doi: 10.1016/j.pepi.2006.03.026.
107: Unsworth, M.J., A.G. Jones, W. Wei, G. Marquis, S. Gokarn, J.E. Spratt, and the INDEPTH-MT team, 2005.
Crustal rheology of the Himalaya and Southern Tibet inferred from magnetotelluric data.
Nature, 438, 78-81, doi: 10.1038/nature04154.
106: Jones, A.G., J. Ledo, I.J. Ferguson, C. Farquharson,
X. Garcia, N. Grant, G.W. McNeice, B. Roberts, J. Spratt,
G. Wennberg, L. Wolynec, and X. Wu, 2005.
The electrical resistivity structure of Archean to Tertiary lithosphere
along 3,200 km of SNORCLE profiles, northwestern Canada.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 42, 1257-1275, doi: 10.1139/E05-080.
105: Marti, A., P. Queralt, A.G. Jones and J. Ledo, 2005.
Improving Bahr's invariant parameters using the WAL approach
Geophysical Journal International, 163, 38-41, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2005.02748.x .
104: Wu, X., I.J. Ferguson and A.G. Jones, 2005.
Geoelectric structure of the Proterozoic Wopmay Orogen and adjacent terranes,
Northwest Territories, Canada.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 42, 955-981, doi: 10.1139/E05-042.
103: Solon, K., A.G. Jones, K.D. Nelson, M.J. Unsworth, W. Wei,
H. Tan, S. Jin, M. Deng, J.R. Booker, S. Li, and P. Bedrosian, 2005.
Structure of the crust in the vicinity of the Banggong-Nujiang suture,
central Tibet from INDEPTH magnetotelluric data
Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, B10102,
doi: 10.1029/2003JB002405.
102: Jones, A.G., J. Ledo and I.J. Ferguson, 2005.
Electromagnetic images of the Trans-Hudson orogen: The North American Central Plains anomaly revealed.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 42, 457-478, doi: 10.1139/E05-018.
101: Ferguson, I.J. K.M. Stevens and A.G. Jones, 2005.
Electrical resistivity imaging of the central Trans-Hudson Orogen in
eastern Saskatchewan, Canada.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 42, 495-515, doi: 10.1139/E05-017.
100: Ledo, J. and A.G. Jones, 2005.
Upper mantle temperature determined from combining mineral composition, electrical
conductivity laboratory studies and magnetotelluric field observations:
Application to the Intermontane Belt, Northern Canadian Cordillera.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 236, 258-268, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2005.01.044 .
99: Garcia, X. and A.G. Jones, 2005.
Electromagnetic image of the Trans-Hudson orogen: THOT94 transect.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 42, 479-493, doi: 10.1139/E05-016.
98: White, D.J., M.D. Thomas, A.G. Jones, J. Hope, B. Nemeth, and
Z. Hajnal, 2005.
Geophysical transect across a Paleoproterozoic continent-continent
collision zone: The Trans-Hudson Orogen.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 42, 385-402, doi: 10.1139/E05-002.
97: Eaton, D.W., A.G. Jones and I.J. Ferguson, 2004.
Lithospheric anisotropy structure inferred from collocated teleseismic
and magnetotelluric observations: Great Slave Lake shear zone, northern Canada.
Geophysical Research Letters, 31, L19614, doi: 10.1029/2004GL020939.
96: Garcia, X. and A.G. Jones, 2005.
A new methodology for the acquisition and processing of audio-magnetotelluric
(AMT) data in the AMT dead-band.
Geophysics, 70, 119-126, doi: 10.1190/1.2073889.
95: Jones, A.G. and X. Garcia, 2006.
Electrical resistivity structure of the Yellowknife River Fault Zone and
surrounding region.
Gold in the Yellowknife Greenstone Belt, Northwest Territories:
Results of the EXTECH III Multidisciplinary Research Project,
published by Geological Association of Canada, Mineral Deposits Division,
Special Publication No. 3, Chapter 10, 126-141.
94: Mechie, J., S.V. Sobolev, L. Ratschbacher, A. Yu. Babeyko, G. Bock,
A.G. Jones, K.D. Nelson, K.D. Solon, L.D. Brown, and W. Zhao, 2004.
Precise temperature estimation in the Tibetan crust from seismic detection
of the alpha-beta quartz transition.
Geology, 32, 601-604, doi: 10.1130/G20367.1.
93: Spratt, J., A.G. Jones, K.D. Nelson, M.J. Unsworth, and the INDEPTH
MT team, 2005.
Crustal structure of the India-Asia collision zone, southern Tibet, from
INDEPTH MT investigations.
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 150, 227-237, doi: 10.1016/j.pepi.2004.08.035.
92: Evans, S., A.G. Jones, J. Spratt and J. Katsube, 2005.
Central Baffin electromagnetic experiment (CBEX) maps the NACP in the Canadian arctic.
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 150, 107-122, doi: 10.1016/j.pepi.2004.08.032.
91: Ledo, J., A.G. Jones, I.J. Ferguson and L. Wolynec, 2004.
Lithospheric structure of the Yukon, Northern Canadian Cordillera, obtained from magnetotelluric data.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, B04410-1 - B04410-15, doi: 10.1029/2003JB002516.
90: Unsworth, M., W. Wei, A.G. Jones, S. Li, P. Bedrosian, J.R. Booker, S. Jin,
and M. Deng, 2004.
Crustal and upper mantle structure of northern Tibet imaged with magnetotelluric exploration.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, B02403-1 - B02403-18, doi: 10.1029/2002JB002305.
89: Jones, A.G. and J.A. Craven, 2004.
Area selection for diamond exploration using deep-probing electromagnetic surveying.
Lithos, 77, 765-782, doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2004.03.057.
88: Jones, A.G., P. Lezaeta, I.J. Ferguson, A.D. Chave, R. Evans, X. Garcia and
J. Spratt, 2003.
The electrical structure of the Slave craton.
Lithos, 71, 505-527, doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2003.08.001.
87: Davis, W., A.G. Jones, W. Bleeker and H. Grutter, 2003.
Lithosphere development in the Slave Craton: a linked crustal and mantle perspective.
Lithos, 71, 575-589, doi: 10.1016/S0024-4937(03)00131-2.
86: Li, S., M.J. Unsworth, J.R. Booker, W. Wei, H. Tan, and A.G. Jones, 2003.
Partial melt or aqueous fluid in the mid-crust of southern Tibet? Constraints from INDEPTH
magnetotelluric data.
Geophysical Journal International, 153, 289-304, doi: 10.1046/j.1365-246X.2003.01850.x.
85: Jones, A.G., D. Snyder, S. Hanmer, I. Asudeh, D. White, D. Eaton and G. Clarke, 2002.
Magnetotelluric and teleseismic study across the Snowbird Tectonic Zone, Canadian Shield:
A Neoarchean mantle suture?
Geophysical Research Letters, 29 (17), doi: 10.1029/2002GL015359.
84: Jones, A.G. and X. Garcia, 2003.
Okak Bay MT data-set case study: Lessons in dimensionality and scale.
Geophysics, 68, 70-91, doi: 10.1190/1.1543195.
83: Ledo, J., P. Queralt, A. Marti and A.G. Jones, 2002.
Two dimensional interpretation of 3-D magnetotelluric data: an example of limitations and resolution.
Geophysical Journal International 150, 127-139.
82: Wu, X., I.J. Ferguson and A.G. Jones, 2002.
Magnetotelluric response and geoelectric structure of the Great Slave Lake shear zone.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 196, 35-50.
81: Jones, A.G. and J. Spratt, 2002.
A simple method for deriving the uniform field MT responses in auroral zones.
Earth, Planets and Space, 54, 443-450.
80: Ledo, J., A.G. Jones and I.J. Ferguson, 2002.
Electromagnetic images of a strike-slip fault: The Tintina fault
zone, northern Canadian cordillera.
Geophysical Research Letters, 29 (8), doi: 10.1029/2001GL013408.
79: Ledo, J. and A.G. Jones, 2001.
Regional electrical conductivity structure of the southern Canadian Cordillera
and its physical interpretation.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 106 , 30,755-30,770, doi: 0148-0227/01/2001JB000358.
78: Garcia, X. and A.G. Jones, 2002.
Atmospheric sources for audio-magnetotelluric (AMT) sounding.
Geophysics, 67, 448-458, doi: 10.1190/1.1468604.
77: Garcia, X. and A.G. Jones, 2002.
Extended decomposition of MT data.
In: Three-Dimensional Electromagnetics, edited by M.S. Zhdanov and P.E. Wannamaker,
publ. by Elsevier, Methods in Geochemistry and Geophysics (ISBN 0 444 50429 X), 35, 235-250.
76: Wei, W., M. Unsworth, A.G. Jones, T. Handong, K.D. Nelson, J.R. Booker, L. Chen,
S. Li, K. Solon, P. Bedrosian, S. Jin, M. Deng, J. Ledo, D. Kay and B. Roberts, 2001.
Detection of widespread fluids in the Tibetan crust by magnetotelluric studies.
Science, 292, 716-718, doi: 10.1126/science.1010580.
75: Jones, A.G., I.J. Ferguson, A.D. Chave, R.L. Evans and G.W. McNeice, 2001.
The electric lithosphere of the Slave craton.
Geology, 29, 423-426.
74: Jones, A.G. and I.J. Ferguson, 2001.
The electric Moho
Nature, 409, 331-333.
73: McNeice, G.W. and A.G. Jones, 2001
Multi-site, multi-frequency tensor decomposition of magnetotelluric data.
Geophysics, 66, 158-173, doi: 10.1190/1.1444891.
72: Ferguson, I.J., A.G. Jones, Y. Sheng, X. Wu and I. Shiozaki, 1999.
Geoelectric response and crustal electrical-conductivity structure of the
Flin Flon Belt, Trans-Hudson Orogen, Canada
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 36, 1917-1938.
71: Jones, A.G., 1999.
Imaging the continental upper mantle using electromagnetic methods.
Lithos, 48, 57-80.
70: White, D.J., A.G. Jones, S.B. Lucas and Z. Hajnal, 1999.
Tectonic evolution of the Superior Boundary Zone from coincident seismic
reflection and magnetotelluric profiles
Tectonics, 18, 430-451.
69: Jones, A.G., 1998.
Waves of the future: Superior inferences from collocated seismic and electromagnetic experiments.
Tectonophysics, 286, 273-298.
68: Jones, A.G., T.J. Katsube, and P. Schwann, 1997.
The longest conductivity anomaly in the world explained: sulphides in
fold hinges causing very high electrical anisotropy
Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 49, 1619-1629.
67: Garcia, X., A.D. Chave and A.G. Jones, 1997.
Robust processing of magnetotelluric data from the auroral zone
Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 49, 1451-1468.
66: Chen, L., J.R. Booker, A.G. Jones, N. Wu, M. Unsworth, W. Wei and H. Tan, 1996.
Electrically conductive crust in southern Tibet from INDEPTH magnetotelluric surveying
Science, 274, 1694-1696.
65: Nelson, K.D., Wenjin Zhao, L.D. Brown, J. Kuo, Jinkai Che, Xianwen Liu,
S.L. Klemperer, Y. Makovsky, R. Meissner, J. Mechie, R. Kind, F. Wenzel, J.
Ni, J. Nabelek, Leshou Chen, Handong Tan, Wenbo Wei, A.G. Jones, J. Booker,
M. Unsworth, W.S.F. Kidd, M. Hauck, D. Alsdorf, A. Ross, M. Cogan, Changde
Wu, E. Sandvol, M. Edwards, 1996.
Partially molten middle crust beneath southern Tibet: an initial synthesis
of Project INDEPTH results
Science, 274, 1684-1688, doi: 10.1126/science.274.5293.1684.
64: Jones, A.G. and K. Holliger, 1997
Spectral analysis of the KTB sonic and density logs using robust
nonparametric methods
Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 18,391-18,403.
63: Wannamaker, P.E., A.D. Chave, J.R. Booker, A.G. Jones,
J.H. Filloux, Y. Ogawa, M. Unsworth, P. Tarits, and R. Evans, 1996.
Sutures and deep physical state of the SE U.S. Atlantic margin:
The Southern Appalachians magnetotelluric experiment
EOS, 77, 329 & 332-333.
62: Ogawa, Y., Jones, A.G., Unsworth, M.J., Booker, J.R., Lu, X., Craven, J.,
Roberts, B., Parmelee, J., and Farquharson, C., 1996
Deep electrical conductivity structures of the Appalachian Orogen in the
southeastern U.S.
Geophysical Research Letters, 23, 1597-1600.
61: Chave, A.D., and A.G. Jones, 1997.
Electric and magnetic field distortion decomposition of BC87 data.
Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 49, 767-789.
60: Jones, A.G. and Gough, D.I., 1995.
Electromagnetic images of crustal structures in southern and central Canadian Cordillera.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 32, 1541-1563.
59: Gupta, J.C. and Jones, A.G., 1995.
Electrical conductivity structure of the Purcell Anticlinorium in
southeast British Columbia and northwest Montana.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 32, 1564-1583.
58: Cook, F.A. and Jones, A.G., 1995.
Seismic reflections and electrical conductivity: A case of Holmes' curious dog?
Geology, 23, 141-144.
57: Marquis, G., Jones, A.G. and Hyndman, R.D., 1995.
Coincident conductive and reflective lower crust across a thermal boundary
in southern British Columbia, Canada.
Geophysical Journal International, 120, 111-131.
56: Jones, A.G., Bailey, R.C. and Mareschal, M., 1994.
High-resolution electromagnetic images of conducting zones in an upthrust
crustal block.
Geophysical Research Letters, 21, 1807-1810.
55: Schultz, A., Kurtz, R.D., Chave, A.D. and Jones, A.G., 1993.
Conductivity discontinuities in the upper mantle beneath a stable craton.
Geophysical Research Letters, 20, 2941-2944.
54: Jones, A.G. and Dumas, I., 1993.
Electromagnetic images of a volcanic zone.
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 81, 289-314.
53: Groom, R.W., Kurtz, R.D., Jones, A.G. and Boerner, D.E., 1993.
A quantitative methodology for determining the dimensionality of conductivity
structure and the extraction of regional impedance responses from magnetotelluric data.
Geophysical Journal International, 115, 1095-1118.
52: Jones, A.G., Groom, R.W. and Kurtz, R.D., 1993.
Decomposition and modelling of the BC87 dataset.
Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 45, 1127-1150.
51: Jones, A.G., 1993.
The BC87 dataset: tectonic setting, previous EM results and recorded MT data.
Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 45, 1089-1105.
50: Jones, A.G., 1993.
The COPROD2 dataset: Tectonic setting, recorded MT data and
comparison of models.
Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 45, 933-955.
49: Jones, A.G., Craven, J.A., McNeice, G.A.,
Ferguson, I.J., Boyce, T., Farquharson, C. and Ellis, R.G., 1993.
North American Central Plains conductivity anomaly within the Trans-Hudson
orogen in northern Saskatchewan.
Geology, 21, 1027-1030.
48: Boerner, D.E., Kurtz, R.D. and Jones, A.G., 1993
Orthogonality in CSAMT and MT measurements.
Geophysics, 58, 924-934, doi: 10.1190/1.1443483.
47: Nelson, K.D., Baird, D.J., Walters, J.J.,
Hauck, M., Brown, L.D., Oliver, J.E., Ahern, J.L., Hajnal, Z., Jones, A.G. and Sloss, L.L., 1993.
Trans-Hudson orogen and Williston basin in Montana and North Dakota: New
COCORP deep profiling results.
Geology, 21, 447-450.
46: Jones, A.G. and Groom, R.W., 1993.
Strike angle determination from the magnetotelluric tensor in the presence of
noise and local distortion: rotate at your peril!
Geophysical Journal International, 113, 524-534, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.1993.tb00905.x.
45: Jones, A.G., 1993.
Electromagnetic images of modern and ancient subduction zones.
In: Plate Tectonic Signatures in the Continental Lithosphere.
Edited by A.G. Green, A. Kroener, H.-J. Goetze and N. Pavlenkova,
Tectonophysics, 219, 29-45.
44: Jones, A.G., Gough, D.I., Kurtz, R.D., DeLaurier, J.M., Boerner, D.E.,
Craven, J.A., Ellis, R.G. and McNeice, G.W., 1992.
Electromagnetic images of regional structure in the southern Cordillera.
Geophysical Research Letters, 12, 2373-2376, doi: 10.1029/92GL01457.
43: Jones, A.G., 1992.
Electrical Conductivity of the Continental Lower Crust.
In: Continental Lower Crust,
edited by D.M. Fountain, R.J. Arculus and R.W. Kay,
published by Elsevier, Chapter 3, 81-143.
42: Jones, A.G., Kurtz, R.D., Boerner, D.E., Craven, J.A., McNeice,
G.W., Gough, D.I., DeLaurier, J.M. and Ellis, R.G., 1992.
Electromagnetic constraints on strike-slip fault geometry - the Fraser River Fault system.
Geology, 20, 561-564, doi: 10.1130/0091-7613(1992)020<0561:ECOSSF>2.3.CO;2.
41: Percival, J.A., Shaw, D.M., Milkereit, B., White, D.J.,
Jones, A.G., Salisbury, M.H., Bursnall, J.T., Moser, D.E., Green, A.G.,
Thurston, P.C., Bailey, R.C. and Mareschal, M., 1991.
A closer look at deep crustal reflections.
EOS, 72, 337-341.
40: Gupta, J.C. and Jones, A.G., 1990.
Electrical resistivity structure of the Flahhead basin in south-eastern British Columbia, Canada.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 27, 1061-1073.
39: Morel-a-l'Huissier, P., Green, A.G.,
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The crust beneath the intra-cratonic Williston Basin from geophysical data.
In: The Potential of Deep Seismic Reflection for Hydrocarbon Exploration,
edited by B. Pinet and C. Bois, published by Les Editions Technip, 141-160.
38: Jones, A.G. and Craven, J.A., 1990.
The North American Central Plains conductivity anomaly and its
correlation with gravity, magnetics, seismic, and heat flow data in
the Province of Saskatchewan.
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 60, 169-194.
37: Camfield, P.A., Gupta, J.C., Jones, A.G., Kurtz, R.D., Krentz,
D.H., Ostrowski, J.A. and Craven, J.A., 1989.
Electromagnetic sounding and crustal electrical conductivity structure
in the region of the Wopmay Orogen, Northwest Territories, Canada.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 26, 2385-2395.
36: Wannamaker, P.E., Booker, J.R., Jones, A.G.,
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Resistivity cross-section through the Juan de Fuca subduction system
and its tectonic implications.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 94, 14,127-14,144.
35: Wannamaker, P.E., Booker, J.R., Filloux, J.H.,
Jones, A.G., Jiracek, G.R., Chave, A.D., Waff, H.S., Young, C.T., Stodt, J.A.,
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Magnetotelluric observations across the Juan de Fuca subduction
system in the EMSLAB project.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 94, 14,111-14,125, doi: 10.1029/JB094iB10p14111.
34: Jones, A.G., Chave, A.D., Auld, D., Bahr, K. and Egbert, G., 1989.
A comparison of techniques for magnetotelluric response function estimation.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 94, 14,201-14,213, doi: 10.1029/JB094iB10p14201.
33: Poll, H., J.T. Weaver, and A.G. Jones, 1989.
Calculations of voltages for magnetotelluric modelling of a region with
near-surface inhomogeneities.
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 53, 287-297, doi: 10.1016/0031-9201(89)90013-7.
32: Jones, A.G., 1988.
Discussion of ``A magnetotelluric investigation under the Williston
Basin'' by J.M. Maidens and K.V. Paulson.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 25, 1132-1139.
31: Jones, A.G., Kurtz, R.D., Oldenburg, D.W., Boerner, D.E. and
Ellis, R., 1988.
Magnetotelluric observations along the LITHOPROBE southeastern Canadian Cordilleran transect.
Geophysical Research Letters, 15, 677-680, doi: 10.1029/GL015i007p00677.
30: Jones, A.G., 1988.
Static shift of magnetotelluric data and its removal in a sedimentary basin environment.
Geophysics, 53, 967-978, doi: 10.1190/1.1442533.
29: The EMSLAB Group, 1988.
The EMSLAB electromagnetic sounding experiment.
EOS, 69, No. 7, 89 & 98-99.
28: Haines, G.V. and A.G. Jones, 1988.
Logarithmic Fourier Transformation.
Geophysical Journal, 92, 171-178.
27: Jones, A.G., 1987.
Are impact-induced lower crustal faults observable?
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 85, 248-252.
26: Jones, A.G., 1987.
MT and reflection: an essential combination.
Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 89, 7-18.
25: Jones, A.G., 1986.
Parkinson's pointers' potential perfidy!
Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 87, 1215-1224.
24: Jones, A.G., 1986.
On the use of line current analogues in geomagnetic depth sounding.
Journal of Geophysics (Zeitschrift fuer Geophysik), 60, 56-62.
23: Jones, A.G. and Savage, J.G., 1986.
North American Central Plains conductivity anomaly goes east.
Geophysical Research Letters, 13, 685-688.
22: Jones, A.G. and Garland, G.D., 1986.
Preliminary interpretation of the upper crustal structure beneath Prince Edward Island.
Annales Geophysica, 4B, 157-164.
21: Jones, A.G. and Foster, J.H., 1986.
An objective real-time data adaptive technique for efficient model
resolution improvement in magnetotelluric studies.
Geophysics, 51, 90-97, doi: 10.1190/1.1442043.
20: Jones, A.G., 1983.
The electrical structure of the lithosphere and asthenosphere beneath the
Fennoscandian shield.
Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 35, 811-827.
19: Jones, A.G., 1983.
A passive, natural-source, twin-purpose borehole technique: Vertical
Gradient Magnetometry (VGM).
Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 35, 473-490.
18: Cavaliere, T. and Jones, A.G., 1984.
On the identification of a transition zone in electrical conductivity between
the lithosphere and asthenosphere: a plea for more precise phase data.
Journal of Geophysics (Zeitschrift fuer Geophysik), 55, 23-30.
17: Ilkisik, O.M. and Jones, A.G., 1984.
Statistical evaluation of MT and AMT methods applied to a basalt-covered
area in south-eastern Anatolia, Turkey.
Geophysical Prospecting, 32, 706-724.
16: Jones, A.G., Olafsdottir, B. and Tiikkainen, J., 1983.
Geomagnetic induction studies in Scandinavia - III. Magnetotelluric
Journal of Geophysics (Zeitschrift fuer Geophysik), 54, 35-50.
15: Jones, A.G., 1983.
The problem of ``current channelling'': a critical review.
Geophysical Surveys (now Surveys in Geophysics), 6, 79-122.
14: Jones, A.G., 1983.
On the equivalence of the ``Niblett'' and ``Bostick'' transformations in the
magnetotelluric method.
Journal of Geophysics (Zeitschrift fuer Geophysik), 53, 72-73.
13: Jones, A.G., 1982.
Observations of the electrical asthenosphere beneath Scandinavia.
Tectonophysics, 90, 37-55.
12. Jones, A.G., 1982.
On the electrical crust-mantle structure in Fennoscandia: no Moho
and the asthenosphere revealed?
Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 68, 371-388.
11. Jones, A.G., 1981.
Geomagnetic induction studies in Scandinavia - II. Geomagnetic depth
sounding, induction vectors and coast effect.
Journal of Geophysics (Zeitschrift fuer Geophysik), 50, 23-36.
10: Jones, A.G., 1981.
Comment on ``Geomagnetic Depth Sounding by Induction Arrow Representation: A
Review'' by G.P. Gregori and L.J. Lanzerotti.
Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics, 19, 687-688.
9: Jones, A.G., 1981.
On a type classification of lower crustal layers under Precambrian regions.
Journal of Geophysics (Zeitschrift fuer Geophysik), 49, 226-233.
8: Jones, A.G., 1981.
Transformed coherence functions for multivariate studies.
IEEE Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ASSP-29, 317-319.
7: Hutton, V.R.S. and A.G. Jones, 1980.
Magnetovariational and magnetotelluric investigations in S. Scotland.
In: Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth and Moon,
edited by U. Schmucker.
AEPS-9, Centr. Acad. Publ. Japan, Tokio and D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht,
Suppl. Issue of
Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 141-150.
6: Jones, A.G., 1980.
Geomagnetic induction studies in Scandinavia - I. Determination of the
inductive response function from the magnetometer array data.
Journal of Geophysics (Zeitschrift fuer Geophysik), 48, 181-194.
5: Kueppers, F., Untiedt, J., Baumjohann, W., Lange, K. and Jones, A.G., 1979.
A two-dimensional magnetometer array for ground-based observations
of auroral zone electric currents during the International Magnetospheric
Study (IMS).
Journal of Geophysics (Zeitschrift fuer Geophysik), 46, 429-450.
4: Jones, A.G., 1979.
On the difference between polarisation and coherence.
Journal of Geophysics (Zeitschrift fuer Geophysik), 45, 223-229.
3: Jones, A.G. and R. Hutton, 1979b.
A multi-station magnetotelluric study in southern Scotland - II. Monte-Carlo
inversion of the data and its geophysical and tectonic implications.
Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 56, 351-368, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.1979.tb00169.x.
2: Jones, A.G. and R. Hutton, 1979a.
A multi-station magnetotelluric study in southern Scotland -
I. Fieldwork, data analysis and results.
Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 56, 329-349.
1: Jones, A.G. and V.R.S. Hutton, 1977.
Magnetotelluric investigation of the Eskdalemuir anomaly in
S. Scotland - Preliminary results.
Acta Geodaetica, Geophysica et Montanistica, Acad. Sci. Hungary,
12, 111-115.
Publications in Foreign Language literature
- F1: Wei, W.B., S. Jin, G.F. Ye, M. Deng, H.D. Tan, M. Unsworth, A.G. Jones, J. Booker, S.H. Li, 2006.
Conductivity structure of crust and upper mantle beneath the northern Tibetan Plateau: Results of super-wide band
magnetotelluric sounding,
Chinese Journal of Geophysics - Chinese Edition, 49, 1215-1225.
Published Expanded Abstracts
- A1984-1: Jones, A.G., and H. Joedicke, 1984.
Magnetotelluric transfer function estimation improvement by a coherence-based rejection technique.
Contributed paper at: 54th SEG, Atlanta, Georgia, 2-6 December, 3, 51-55.
- A1996-1: Katsube, J., M.E. Best, and A.G. Jones, 1996.
Electrical anisotropy of mineralized and non mineralized rocks.
Contributed paper at: 66th SEG, Denver, Colorado, 10-15 November, 15, 1279-1281.
- A1996-2: Jones, A.G., J. Katsube, and I. Ferguson, 1996.
Paleoproterozoic tectonic processes revealed through electromagnetic studies of the North American Central
Plains (NACP) conductivity anomaly: From continental to hand sample scale.
Contributed paper at: 66th SEG, Denver, Colorado, 10-15 November, 15, 269-272.
- A1996-3: Jones, A.G., J.R. Booker, M.J. Unsworth, N. Wu., Chen Leshou and Wei Wenbo, 1996.
Electromagnetic images of colliding continents: A magnetotelluric survey of the Tsangpo Suture and surrounding
regions of Tibet.
Invited paper at: 66th SEG, Denver, Colorado, 10-15 November, 15, 293-294.
- A2000-1: Garcia, X., and A.G. Jones, 2000.
Advances in aspects of the application of magnetotellurics for mineral exploration.
Contributed paper at: 70th SEG, Calgary, Alberta, 6-11 August, 19, 1115-1118.
- A2002-1: Jones, A.G., 2002.
Using deep-probing EM studies as an aid to area selection of diamond provinces.
Invited paper at: 72nd SEG, Salt Lake City, Utah, 6-11 October, 21, 480-483.
- A2002-2: Queralt, P., A.G. Jones and J. Ledo, 2002.
Deep electromagnetic imaging of the Bathurst no. 12 deposit: 3-D forward modeling, 2-D inversion and sensitivity tests.
Contributed paper at: 72nd SEG, Salt Lake City, Utah, 6-11 October, 21, 484-487.
- A2002-3: Jones, A.G., and G. McNeice, 2002.
Audio-magnetotellurics (AMT) for steeply-dipping mineral targets: importance of multi-component measurements at each site.
Contributed paper at: 72nd SEG, Salt Lake City, Utah, 6-11 October, 21, 496-499.
Other publications
O1: Jones, A.G., 1984.
Electromagnetic investigations in Eastern Canada - a concise review.
In: The Development of the Deep Geoelectric Model of the Baltic Shield.
Edited by S.-E. Hjelt, publ. by Dept. of Geophysics, Oulu University,
O2: Jones, A.G. and G.D. Garland, 1986.
Electromagnetic soundings from observations taken during the First
International Polar Year.
Musk Ox, 34, 35-43.
O3: Jones, A.G. and A.O. Alabi, 1986.
Electromagnetic induction in the Earth and Moon: Invited review papers presented at
the 7th Workshop, Ile-Ife, August 1984 - Preface.
Surveys in Geophysics, 8, 235-238.
O4: Kurtz, R.D., A.G. Jones, A. Adam and M.S. Zhdanov, 1990.
Electromagnetic induction studies - Selected papers at the XIX IUGG General Assembly,
9-22 August, 1989.
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 60, 1-3.
O5: Jones, A.G., 1993.
Introduction to MT-DIW1 special section.
Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity,
45, 931-932.
O6: Haak, V. and A.G. Jones, 1993.
Dedication - Special issue of PEPI devoted to ëThe Hutton Symposium: Electromagnetic Studies of the Continents' symposium at the 1992 European Geophysical Society meeting, held in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 81, ix-x.
O7: Jones, A.G. and A. Schultz, 1997.
Introduction to MT-DIW2 Special Issue.
Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 49, 727-737.
O8: Haak, V. and A.G. Jones, 1997.
Introduction to special section: The KTB deep drill hole
Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 18,175-18,177.
O9: Percival, J.A., S.B. Lucas, A.G. Jones, C. Beaumont, D. Eaton
and T. Rivers, 1999.
How will LITHOPROBE's final chapter be written?
Geoscience Canada, 26, 27-31.
O10: Atkinson, G., J. Adams, I. Asudeh, M. Bostock, J. Cassidy, D. Eaton, I. Ferguson,
A.G. Jones, D. Snyder, and D. White, 2003.
POLARIS Update: Fall 2002.
Seismological Research Letters, 74, 41-43.
O11: Jones, A.G., R.W. Carlson, and H. Grutter, 2003.
Preface to Special issue of Lithos devoted to the Slave-Kaapvaal Workshop.
Lithos, 71, ix-xi.
O12: Ogawa, Y., A. Junge and A.G. Jones, 2005.
Preface to Special issue of Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors devoted to the 16th
EM Induction Workshop.
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 150, 1.
O13: Eaton, D.E. and A.G. Jones, 2006.
Tectonic fabric of the subcontinental lithosphere: Evidence from seismic, magnetotelluric and mechanical anisotropy.
Preface to Special issue of Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors devoted to Continental Lithospheric Anisotropy.
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 158, 85-91.
O14: Wei, W.B., S. Jin, G.F. Ye, M. Deng M, H.D. Tan, M. Unsworth, A.G. Jones, J. Booker, and S. Li, 2006.
Conductivity structure of crust and upper mantle beneath the northern Tibetan Plateau: Results of super-wide band magnetotelluric sounding.
Chinese Journal of Geophysics, Chinese Edition, 49, 1215-1225.
[PDF] Chinese version (1.6 Mb)
- PDF]
O14: Spratt, J.E., J. Craven, A.G. Jones, F. Ferri, and J. Riddell, 2007.
Utility of Magnetotelluric Data in Unravelling the Stratigraphic-Structural Framework of the Nechako Basin
(NTS 092N; 093C, B, G, H), South-Central British Columbia, from a Re-Analysis of 20-Year-Old Data.
Geological Fieldwork 2006, Paper 2007-1, pp. 395-404, Geoscience BC contribution GBC032.
Geological Survey of Canada publications
- GSC1: Jones, A.G., 1985.
Examination of the electrical conductivity structure in the region
surrounding a borehole by a natural source technique.
Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 85-27, 337-341.
GSC2: Jones, A.G., Eaton, D.W., White, D.,
Bostock, M., Mareschal, M. and Cassidy, J., 1996.
Geophysical measurements for lithospheric parameters.
In: Searching for Diamonds in Canada,
A.N. LeCheminant, R.N.W. DiLabio, and K.A. Richardson (ed.),
Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3228, 243-250.
GSC3: Katsube, T.J., A.G. Jones, N. Scromeda and P. Schwann, 1996.
Electrical characteristics of rock samples from the La Ronge Domain of the
Trans-Hudson Orogen, northern Saskatchewan
Geological Survey of Canada Current Research, 1996-E, 159-169.
GSC4: Jones, A.G., D. Snyder and J. Spratt, 2001
Magnetotelluric and teleseismic experiments as part of the
Walmsley Lake project: Experimental designs and preliminary
Geological Survey of Canada Current Research, 2001-C6.
GSC5: Jones, A.G., J. Spratt and S. Evans, 2002
CBEX: Central Baffin electromagnetic experiment
Geological Survey of Canada Current Research, 2002-C19, 5 p.
GSC6: Queralt, P., A.G. Jones and J. Ledo, 2002
Deep electromagnetic imaging of the Bathurst No. 12 deposit: 3-D forward modelling,
2-D inversion and sensitivity tests.
Geological Survey of Canada Current Research, 2002-D3, 8 p.
GSC7: Evans, S., A.G. Jones, J. Spratt and J. Katsube, 2003.
Central Baffin electromagnetic experiment (CBEX), Phase 2.
Geological Survey of Canada Current Research, 2003-C24, 10 p.
GSC8: Spratt, J., A.G. Jones, D. Corrigan, and C. Hogg, 2013.
Lithospheric geometry revealed by deep-probing magnetotelluric surveying, Melville Peninsula, Nunavut.
Geological Survey of Canada Current Research, 2013-12, doi: 10.4095/292482, 18 p.
GSC9: Spratt, J., B. Roberts, D. Kiyan, and A.G. Jones, 2013.
Magnetotelluric soundings from the Central Rae Domain of the Churchill Province, Nunavut.
Geological Survey of Canada Open File, Open File 7323, doi: 10.4095/292237, 34 p.
Lithoprobe reports
(Available on request to
Alan Jones or the
Lithoprobe Directorate)
L1: Jones, A.G., D.E. Boerner, R.D. Kurtz, R.D., D. Oldenburg, and R. Ellis, 1989.
Electrical crustal structure at the edge of the North American craton.
Publication from the LITHOPROBE Southern Cordilleran Transect Workshop held in Vancouver on 25th - 26th February.
Lithoprobe Report #7, pp. 123-126.
L2: Jones, A.G. R.D. Kurtz, D.E. Boerner, J.A. Craven, G. McNeice, D.I. Gough and J.M. DeLaurier, 1990.
Electromagnetic investigations over the southern Cordilleran Lithoprobe transect: 1990 status report.
Publication from the LITHOPROBE Southern Cordilleran Transect Workshop held in Calgary on 3rd - 4th March.
Lithoprobe Report #11, pp. 64-74.
L3: Jones, A.G., 1990.
The North American Central Plains conductivity anomaly and its correlation with gravity, magnetics, seismic,
and heat flow data in the Province of Saskatchewan.
Publication from LITHOPROBE Trans-Hudson Transect Workshop held in Saskatoon on 12th - 13th October.
Lithoprobe Report #12, pp. xx-xx.
L4: Jones, A.G., 1990.
Electromagnetic imaging of modern and ancient subduction zones and plans for EM studies in LITHOPROBE EAST.
Publication from the LITHOPROBE EAST Transect Workshop held in St. John's on 24th - 25th October.
Lithoprobe Report #13, pp. 102-110.
L5: Jones, A.G., R.D. Kurtz, D.E. Boerner, J.A. Craven, G.W. McNeice, D.I. Gough, J.M. DeLaurier and R.E. Ellis, 1991.
Electromagnetic investigations over the Southern Cordilleran Lithoprobe transect: 1991 status report.
Proceedings of the SC transect workshop held in Calgary on 16th - 17th March. Lithoprobe Report #16, pp. 38-55.
L6: Jones, A.G., Craven, J.A., McNeice, G.W., Ferguson, I.J., Boyce, T., Farquharson, C. and Ellis, R.G., 1993.
The North American Central Plains conductivity anomaly within the Trans-Hudson Orogen in northern Saskatchewan.
Proceedings of the THOT transect workshop held in Regina on 1st - 2nd April. Lithoprobe Report #34, pp. 40-55.
L7:Fergusson I. and Jones, A.G., 1995.
1994 Electromagnetic measurements on the Trans Hudson Orogen transect.
Proceedings of the THOT transect held in Regina on 3rd - 4th April. Lithoprobe Report #48, pp. 162-169.
L8: Fergusson, I.J., K.M. Stevens, J.P. Cassells, X. Wu, I. Shiozaki and A.G. Jones, 1996.
THOT MT studies: Eastern Segment.
Proceeding of the THOT transect workshop held in Saskatoon on 1st - 2nd April. Lithoprobe Report #55, pp. 10-25.
L9: Jones, A.G. and I.J. Ferguson, 1997.
Results from 1996 MT studies along SNORCLE profiles 1 and 1A.
Proceedings of the SNORCLE transect workshop held in Calgary on 7th - 9th March. Lithoprobe Report #56, pp. 42-47.
L10: Jones, A.G., X. Garcia, N.J. Grant, I.J. Ledo and I.J. Ferguson, 1997.
Regional electrical structure of the Trans-Hudson Orogen.
Proceedings of the THOT transect workshop held in Saskatoon on 1st - 2nd May. Lithoprobe Report #62, pp. 130-146.
L11: Ferguson, I.J., Y. Sheng, X. Wu, I. Shiozaki and A.G. Jones, 1997.
Electrical conductivity soundings in the central Flin Flon Belt, Trans-Hudson Orogen, Canada.
Proceedings of the THOT transect workshop in Saskatoon on 1st - 2nd May. Lithoprobe Report #62, pp. 147-167.
L12: Cassels, J., I.J. Ferguson, and A.G. Jones, 1997.
Signal processing and interpretation of magnetotelluric data from the Superior boundary zone.
Proceedings of the THOT transect workshop in Saskatoon on 1st - 2nd May. Lithoprobe Report #62, pp. 251-268.
L13: Cassels, J. and A.G. Jones, 1998.
Source-field contamination of SNORCLE magnetotelluric data.
Proceedings of the SNORCLE transect workshop held in Vancouver on 6th - 8th March. Lithoprobe Report #64, p. 130.
L14: Wu, X., I.J. Ferguson and A.G. Jones, 1998.
Electrical resistivity structure between the Nahanni Terrane and Slave Province.
Proceedings of the SNORCLE transect workshop held in Vancouver on 6th - 8th March. Lithoprobe Report #64, p. 93-102.
L15: Jones, A.G., I. Ferguson, G. McNeice, R. Evans and A. Chave, 1999.
Electromagnetic studies of the Slave craton: Preliminary results and ongoing experiments.
Proceedings of the SNORCLE transect workshop held in Calgary on 5th - 7th March. Lithoprobe Report #69, pp. 56-71.
L16: Evans, R.L., A.D. Chave and A.G. Jones, 1999.
Deep EM studies of the Slave craton.
Proceedings of the SNORCLE transect workshop held in Calgary on 5th - 7th March. Lithoprobe Report #69, p. 72.
L17: Jones, A.G., I. Ferguson, G. McNeice, R. Evans and A. Chave, 2000.
The electric Slave craton.
Proceedings of the SNORCLE transect workshop held in Calgary on 25th - 27th February. Lithoprobe Report #72, p. xx-xx.
L18: Wu, X., I.J. Ferguson and A.G. Jones, 2000.
Magnetotelluric response and geoelectric structure of southwestern Northwest Territories, Canada.
Proceedings of the SNORCLE transect workshop held in Calgary on 25th - 27th February. Lithoprobe Report #72, p. xx-xx.
L19: Eaton, D.E., I. Asudeh and A.G. Jones, 2000.
Mantle strain beneath the Great Slave Lake shear zone, NWT from measurements of seismic and electrical anisotropy.
Proceedings of the SNORCLE transect workshop held in Calgary on 25th - 27th February. Lithoprobe Report #72, p. xx-xx.
L20: Ledo, J., A.G. Jones, I.J. Ferguson and G. Wennberg, 2001.
Electromagnetic images of the Tintina fault.
Proceedings of the SNORCLE transect workshop held in Sidney on 25th - 27th February. Lithoprobe Report #79, p. 67-73.
L21: Ledo, J., A.G. Jones, I.J. Ferguson and G. Wennberg, 2001.
Regional electrical conductivity of the northern Cordillera: Corridors 2 and 3.
Proceedings of the SNORCLE transect workshop held in Sidney on 25th - 27th February. Lithoprobe Report #79, p. 258.
L22: Wennberg, G., I.J. Ferguson, J. Ledo, and A.G. Jones, 2001.
Preliminary results from SNORCLE magnetotelluric data: Johnson's Crossing to Upper Liard.
Proceedings of the SNORCLE transect workshop held in Sidney on 25th - 27th February. Lithoprobe Report #79, pp. 284-290.
L23: Jones, A.G., I.J. Ferguson, A.D. Chave, R.L. Evans, P. Lezaeta and X. Garcia, 2002.
Regional-scale electrical structure of the Slave craton.
Proceedings of the SNORCLE transect workshop. Lithoprobe Report #82, pp. 12-13.
L24: Lezaeta, P., A.D. Chave, R.L. Evans and A.G. Jones, 2002.
Three-dimensional electrical conductivity structure beneath the Slave craton.
Proceedings of the SNORCLE transect workshop held in Sidney on 21st - 24th February. Lithoprobe Report #82, p. 14.
L25: Ledo, J., A.G. Jones, I.J. Ferguson and G. Wennberg, 2002.
SNORCLE corridor 3 magnetotelluric experiment.
Proceedings of the SNORCLE transect workshop held in Sidney on 21st - 24th February. Lithoprobe Report #82, pp. 21-23.
L26: Wennberg, G., I.J. Ferguson, J. Ledo, and A.G. Jones, 2002.
Modeling and interpretation of magnetotelluric data: Watson Lake to Stewart (line 2a) and Johnson Crossing to Watson Lake.
Proceedings of the SNORCLE transect workshop held in Sidney on 21st - 24th February. Lithoprobe Report #82, pp. 145-152.
L27: Wu, X., I.J. Ferguson and A.G. Jones, 2002.
Geological interpretation of electrical resistivity models along the SNORCLE corridors 1 and 1a.
Proceedings of the SNORCLE transect workshop held in Sidney on 21st - 24th February. Lithoprobe Report #82, p. 153-163.
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